The Independent Housing (UK) Limited (IHL) team has a wealth of expertise and experience in finding and maintaining homes for vulnerable adults including people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and physical disabilities, throughout England and Wales.
To get in touch with one of our team please use the following contact details:
Head Office: 01625 877522
To report a maintenance issue please continue to submit your request online via:
If you do need to discuss a maintenance issue over the telephone which has already been reported on FixFlo please call our head office and ask to speak to the maintenance department
Or to submit a query in writing please email
If you can please direct all finance queries to
For all Housing related matters (property/tenancy related) please contact your Housing Manager who will be happy to assist you, or alternatively call the office who will pass a message to the appropriate person for a callback.
To report any safeguarding concerns or incidents please email where our ASB/Safeguarding lead will review your report within the same working day.
For any instances of Anti-Social Behaviour that you wish to report to our team, please email providing the details of the incident and any known person of involvement. IHL will investigate all reports of ASB and respond in accordance with our policy timescales dependent upon the severity of the report/risk.